


Today I saw dolphins
curving their way across
boat strewn Matilda Bay,
doing whatever dolphins do
when they visit the river
so far from the sea.

Today I saw armour,
and weapons that once
held an empire at bay;
and realised that my family
had never thanked the Austrians
for saving us - and Europe.

Today I went visiting
friends in the country,
dropped in on Toad Hall,
introduced my daughter,
and met with Badger,
under the Wild Wood.

Today I saw a child
trapped in a high tree,
leap from its branches,
carried by joy and
a glorious confidence
to the arms of his father below

Today I was twitchy,
then slow, and then frozen,
had ‘off’ times and ‘on’ times,
lost balance, lost motion
and – by the way did I mention
that today I saw dolphins.

            Dennis Greene