

I've been sending so many posts of a negative nature,I thought
I would send you my favorite composition.
I Met God on the Dock

A hungover, red-tinged sun
struggled gamely through lingerie mist
my naked feet made quick, selfish love
to the sleepy sand
leaving disillusioned prints
swept away by the discrete tide
I heard someone whistling "dock of the bay"
and was surprised to see God
sitting on the end of the dock
splashing His feet
my attempted audacious harmony
resulted in mortally wounded tire noises
faintly amused, He gestured to approach
kneeling in front of Him
incongruously regal
His flowing robes pulled up
pale feet, inadvertently? splashing me
magnificent long dove-white beard and hair
flowing like snowy lava
His  eyes!
one minute, endless sky blue
the next, deep sea emerald green
hypnotized by His Charleton Heston voice
each word painted a thousand pictures
every one as unique
as our personal perception of Him
we talked about everything and nothing
until He sneezed
 into a hastily-produced handkerchief
with a simple G monogram
this prompted Him to stand
his frolicking feet (splashing me, again)
now firmly ON the water
with an unceromonious smile
He strode briskly away
 fading in the mist
He made it look so easy
I wonder if I...?
balancing precariously on one foot
it's timid twin tentatively
questioning the bland surface
like an inebriated flamingo
the shock of the cold water quickly cooled
my illusions of grandeur
as I pulled myself back on the dock
I heard faint echoes of chuckling
gathering my dampened dignity
I left dripping
but feeling better
than I had
in a very long time

Bill Harrington