

hi wendy

At 23:25 1998/11/15 -0700, you wrote:
>Everyone, please refrain from personal attacks, sarcasm,
>biased policing, etc.  There is room here to both present
>one's opinions, even if one stands to profit, and to challenge
>another's, without resorting to name-calling and similar tactics.

how ironic!
your statement requesting a certain mode of behaviour on the list
is your own form of 'policing'

this list is the ultimate democracy
where each one of us has a voice and has a turn

it is also an intimate cyber-family forum
where we have the latitude to express ourselves in the way we need to

barbara patterson created this forum out of love
with no financial interest whatsoever

as far as i am concerned
her opinion here is law
and the only law

>I am personally offended by the way these challenges
>are being presented and also to their presumption to
>be protecting the rest of us. I know they don't speak
>for me nor do I feel I need outside protection.

i do not regret my actions
i do regret that you choose to view them the way you do
but that view is your choice

>I have no problems with challenging another, or even being
>challenged myself.  I have in fact been a participant from
>both sides before, not on this issue specifically, but I
>have had on other lists people who have disagreed with me
>in a manner that questioned my intelligence, and even my
>right to hold my own opinion.  I welcome disagreement, for
>it serves to make us all rethink our own conclusions,
>however, the way in which it is presented is critical.
>I do have problems with the way this is all being handled.

your opinion;
you are entitled

>A simple solution could be to research the info as presented,
>and if something is found, such as this web site mentioned
>where these products are sold, then post the info found
>(such as the web address),

i have tackled this dishonest marketing method in my own way
i will not provide any free advertising for such a scam

>but please refrain from making personal judgements
>and attacks. The rest of us can take this info which was
>found and do with it what we will or won't. I appreciate
>the effort that went into the "background check", but I
>can determine the value of any info found myself.
>If anyone feels the need to get sarcastic, personal, and
>rude, please keep it private between the two parties and
>don't presume to speak for us all. Sorry if I offend, but
>hey, I'm just trying to express my feelings on this recent
>behavior and how it has offended me, without getting into
>personal attacks.  I respect everyone's opinions as well
>as their motives, but I'll judge the facts for myself.

i did the digging that i did to satisfy my own questions
all other members are free to do what they feel is necessary


janet paterson - 51/41/37 - almonte/ontario/canada
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