

 Dear Colleagues,

   Who was it that said something like
"I felt sad for myself because I had no shoes
Until I saw a man with no feet"?

   If I ever complain again about what a tough life
I have with PD I want someone of you to slap me upside
the head.This past week has, once again, convinced me
of what a lucky SOB I am to only have PD.
   On Tuesday pm I had a call from Ken & Laura,two very
close friends, requesting that I come to a Boston hospital
to sit with them because their 7 week old son,Devon,
had taken a turn for the worse following surgery to
correct a blockage in his bowel.That and a growing infection
were combining to snuff out his young life.He died on Wednesday
morning and was buried Friday afternoon.
   Since Tuesday I've sat each day with Ken and Laura and
their families and have shared a bit of their pain.
   So if you hear me complaining too much about what
pains me about my PD just slap me up side the head.

   Thank You