

Ne treatments however valuable do often border on the comical.
What is funnier is how my friends nad relatives get the facts
wrong ie telling me about the use of aborted pig foetuses.
I wrote a poem a while back that talks about it.Hope you like

Cliches And Platitudes

for some obscure reason my illness
makes otherwise normal, rational
individuals feel obligated
to say something they think is wise
inspiring        dragging ancient trunks
from dim cobwebbed recesses
of their minds' attics   they rummage
through dusty cliches and moldy platitudes
bought at some "out-moded sayings"
garage sale  they knew would  be useful one day
selecting one that looks good as new
they prepare to deliver it
with appropriate solemn reverence
in desperation   I load my "vacant face" that
I once reserved    for vacuum cleaner salesmen
my mother sent as a twisted prank
it is as ineffective now as back then
they scratch their chins
(real men scratch their behinds)
then lean back looking contemplative
(real men belch and crush
 beer cans on their heads)
I want to jump up and scream
no, don't say it     but I can't move
quickly enough     and  anyway
wouldn't have the heart
they say I know how you must feel
I nod silently    gritting my teeth
choking back the urge to reply
I'm sorry you haven't     the foggiest notion
how I feel   not the slightest idea     the faintest clue
I know they mean well    but I swear
I will keep my chin up      as I vomit

on the next person     who tells me that
they would probably blithely go on
with the fascinating story
of their uncle john   (who's dead now
maybe you knew him)      who by some
amazing coincidence   also had
parkinson's    or was it arthritis?   (groan)
anyway       right till the end    he could
tell time   chew his own food    even walking
a mile every day  (took all day)
with his pet turtle henry   or was it harold?
at this point I'm tempted    to ask how he died
did they bore him to death?
after exhausting their supply
of trite sayings      and dead relatives
with Parkinson's     comes the medical marvels segment
where someone has read
of a new cure   in the national enquirer  or was it
reader's digest?    or saw it on tv     on oprah winfrey
or the home shopping channel   where it says
if you stand on one leg
under a palm tree       eating green cheese
reciting the alphabet backwards
for 5.5 hours   every tuesday  for 6 months...

on the other hand     when I'm having
a bad day   and someone innocently asks
how I am   if I don't reply with
brief sarcasm    but in lengthy boring detail
me?  boring?
perhaps I am not as interesting
as I presume
 I'll have to sleep on that one

Bill Harrington