

Our experience with these newsmagazine shows has been, as Robin indicated,
that feature stories that are not 'timely' or particularly 'newsworthy' are
easily bumped.  We had an appearance on 20/20 a couple of years ago that got
bumped back week by week for about two months first by the Oklahoma City
bombing and then by a Michael Jackson arrest.  Makes it hard to schedule!

NBC can be reached at but, again, I have found that the Web
sites are not always accurate predictors of what will appear on our screens.

Carole Cassidy

-----Original Message-----
From: Lorraine Jeffe [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 2:23 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject: Re: NBC Dateline on PD Surgery: Tonight at 10 EST

Thanks Robin for the posting regarding Dateline.

Do you or anyone else have their e-mail address or the best way to reach

Also is there anyway to hear about such programs in advance,so we can
our local affiliates to do some follow up PR?


Lorraine Jeffe