

FYI.... To all Ivan S's Cyber-sibs, please note that Ivan called me
this evening to ask me to post here that his computer is down right
now and he cannot access the List (actually, he can't access his
email source, JUNO) apparently due to the hard drive being 90% filled
up (errrrr... or something like that - Ivan 'n I aren't techies so
that's an semi-educated guess)

He can be reached via telephone, way up there in Maine, at
(207) 797-8488.

By the way, Ivan sounded jubilant when we spoke about the positive
results  that grew out of  his crisis last week in getting a number
of caregivers.

As it stands today, most days and nites now  have caregivers
scheduled, with odd little chunks of time still needing coverage.
But that's still a LOT better than the previous situation, and folks
are still responding to Ivan's initial call for help.

We're all rootin' for ya, Ivan!

Barb Mallut
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