

Dear Camilla .

I cannot help but to extern here my deep respect and admiration for what you
do and write in this list demonstrating your life of being of a woman brave ,
kind , honest and courageous and great wife , mother and friend .

I have to say this because with yours example of life gives to me a renewed
hope for the best destiny of mankind and humanity that sometimes I need very
much .
 Sincerely ,

Joao Paulo

Camilla Flintermann wrote:

> >        I hope that none of my pro-choice friends have that on their
> >conscience. but I am so sorry that abortion became an option. If it had
> >not been available. we would have managed. So that is why I would like
> >to see the day when abortion is extremely rare. and allowed only for
> >truly life threatening situations.
> Dear Friend-- I appreciate the courage it took for you to share your
> daughter's experience on the list, and  also the response from Charlie
> Meyer, which is reflective of my own position.
> We too have a daughter who became pregnant while still a teenager, and had
> an abortion--they were legal then, as they are now.  I accompanied her to
> the clinic, and we supported her decision, difficult as it was for all of
> us, since there was no way  she could have handled motherhood at the time.
>  As a social worker I have counseled woman over the years who chose very
> different paths in this difficult situation--some kept and raised their
> babies, some chose adoption, and some chose abortion.  I always explored
> all the options with them, in the context of their own feelings and
> situations, including their religious beliefs.  I never tried to influence
> them , but only to explore and then support what was their own best
>'s not something everyone can "manage".
> I might add for your information that both our beloved daughters are
> adopted, and while I am of course glad that their young mothers chose to
> carry them to term, and surrender them , I understand the great stresses
> this can present for the birth mother, and why some girls/women simply
> can't make that choice.
> I too will welcome the day when abortion is extremely rare, but I can't
> support making it illegal again, since that would only mean that women are
> driven to dangerous alternatives, as used to be the case.
> One way to make abortions rare , of course, is to support responsible
> family planning.
> Well--that's enough of that--as a religious person myself, I certainly
> respect your right to your views, but also ask that you respect mine.

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+