

At 08:01 AM 11/19/98 -0800, you wrote:
>I have heard about how the face will "freeze" into a mask, but I haven't
>heard about PWP actually freezing in place.
>Do they just stop moving, lose concentration?
>What? And does it happen often?
>I haven't noticed it with my mother-in-law and she is pretty advanced.
>Could someone please shed some light on this?
>Thank you
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> LAURIE  to get around mask look try what i did for about a year. take a
hand mirror grit your teeth and mouth  to forice a smille  after 6 mon to
year you will loose your mask. feet just won,t move is all VIVIAN  get be
hind me put her hands on my shoulders and kicks my foot. some times i use
my cane to hit my foot  I.Y.Q.