

I have been off list for some months due to problems.  There is now a question
as to whether I even have PD.  I am taking 1-1/2 Sinemet regular 10/100 & 1/2
SinemetCR 50/200............ at 8:00 am, noon, 4:00 pm, &8:00 pm.  I'm going
to go to Mayo, & the doctor there wants me to taper off the Sinemet entirely
over a 2 week period, be off of it entirely the 3rd week,  & see him the 4th
week.  My ?PD seems to be the rigidity type, as there are times when I'm at
the end of a dose & can't move my fingers enough to type.  There is numbness
on my left side, which gets worse & spreads to my right side occasionally.
Sometimes my left hand "claws", left big toe sticks up, other toes dig into
the floor.  Sure sounds like PD!  But my gait is always OK when I see the
doctor, & that's what has the docs questioning.  The Sinemet helps my

It seems they are wondering whether my problems could be the side-effects of
other meds, plus anxiety.

My other regular meds are 80mg reg. Verapamil 3 times per day for migraine,
&30mg Paxil for anxiety/depression.

I'm afraid!  My worry is that I will be so stiff & miserable.  I understand
that that's the length of time needed for the Sinemet to be out of my system.
I remember something from the past about the short term effects of Sinemet, &
the long term effects.

I am concerned, too, because I don't have much of a support system nearby.  I
don't know exactly what to ask you folks, but would appreciate any input you
could give me on what to expect, and maybe how to cope.

M.Dawn  56/6