

This Ann Landers piece was in The Commercial Appeal recently:

DEAR ANN: I've had Parkinson's Disease for six years and experience cramping
in my legs and feet.  I learned a trick I've shared with many.  Here it is:
When the cramp starts, squeeze your upper lip just under your nose and hang on
until the cramp goes away.  The pain disappears like magic.  I swear it works.
Your column helps so many.  Help a few more. ---L. R., Santa Rosa, Calif.
  Dear Santa R.:  You're going to love this.  I got a cramp in my leg last
night from sitting at the typewriter for several hours.  I tried your
suggestion, and IT WORKED.  Hallelujah!

This sounds too good to be true.  Has anyone had any experience with this cure
for cramping?

Keith Chancey, 45/14 months
Memphis, TN