

Hey, I just had a thought.  With all this recent news regarding the safety
of Tasmar and it's potential for liver damage, it's rather ironic to me at
least, to see how calm and collected the discussion is regarding this new
info, especially when compared to the passions displayed about snake-oil
remedies, like the dreaded sandalwood.  Hmmm!  Kinda proves some of my
earlier points! (i.e., that in general, as a group, we are very accepting of
mainstream ideas/treatments, while quick to condemn many fringe ideas).
Sometimes this is valid, but I still find it ironic that, at least as the
evidence seems to be showing now, for some people, Tasmar is much worse and
much more deadly than any snake-oil.

I had been taking it myself, but one of my main concerns, even with
relatively benign drugs, not to mention those with apparant toxicity, has
always been the potential for long term negative effects, particularly to
the liver. I've got an appointment with my neuro soon, and at the moment at
least I'm leaning toward getting off of this "snake-oil" drug.  A liver
enzyme deifiency is what is believed to predispose one to pd, via
extra-sensitivity to toxins, so why weaken that same "deficient" liver even
further?  (and as I've been saying all along, if the liver may itself play a
large role in one's chances of getting pd, then why does all of the research
and treatments focus on the brain?  It would seem to me that liver health
should also be a key component in preventing and treating pd.).

Stirring again!

Wendy Tebay