

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        48/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    48 deg. F
Dear list,

Days of our Lives --  The Young and the Restless - or, as Camilla named
it, "The Saga".....

I  swear this is true- Sue Jelly one of my friends who checks on me and
OCCASIONALLY is available for LIMITED caregiving, just came by for 20
minutes--she knew exactly what I needed to get my toes uncurled,
to get my hamstrings, calves and foot and toe muscles moving--and being a
massage therapist, knew I needed to increase the circulation in my feet.
She microwaved my trusty "hot socks' (filled with uncooked rice), worked
on my muscle groups below the knee joint-et voila!-I am Ivan again.

Take THAT! , Mr. PD monster, we beat you back again!! (Non-violent Ivan
and his kitty, Winnie, show their fangs and growl decisevly-like 2
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayr lions).....

 And to top it off, Sue just happens, incredibly, to decide to make
herself available-next THURS-SAT nights for me, just  hours after  this
morning's appeal for help...
So the emergency is over----but only for now-----I can only say,in the
absence of FUNDS FOR CAREGIVERS that most of us lack, what goes around
MIGHT come back to you, but money is needed for consistency of care!

   Thanks for all the support now it's my turn...Sylvia the PWP wonderful
Dateline heroine...Hilary Blue trying to get help to get her daughters
back home and being a young widow, Susan in a wheelchair clingiing to
hope for her mom, the Tasmar scare (I'm on Tasmar)....

  the underlying problem is all that money that the government spends on
outer space and foreign wars instead of on our healthcare, schools,
children, the marginalized, and a CLEAN Earth.......and all the personal
wealth that  remains unshared........could be redirected ......
