

Dear All!

Biing off the list for some months, it is good to be back again, Bodil and
I will like to tell this, written before the black day, thuesday the 18 of

26 of October was the day of the first year with Tasmar for Bodil.

Therefore I have digged in the old papers and have compared the month of
September -97, before Tasmar with the same month in -98.

First the meds.:

                                      -97             -98
Madopar/Levodopa        316,25        173,5
Selegilin                         57              27

Diazepam                         8               3

Diklofenak                       10               4

Tasmar/Tolcapone             0              90

Then how she feels.:
All figurs are hours.
Sleep                              166           173

Spasms                             36,5         25,5

Rigidity                             159,5       157,75

Dyskinesia                           6,5           5

Feels good                         351,5       358,75

At the med side it's very good to reduce the L-dopa a little over 45%, and
she is feeling very well about it.

 At the feelings, reducing the spasm with 30%,  11 hours thats just a
blessing, they are very hard, when they appears and can even go into the

 The other figures looks very disapointing at the first glance, it is
because, we had never belived  that she would be as much better as she
actually have done. Therefore in -97, when she felt good, she were sitting
in her chair with none or only a little pain, in -98 she is walking around
in the house, she can dust the funiture, she had even maked the breakfast a
couple of mornings, so the quality of the figures is much better than it
was before.

Bisides painful muscles and blisters under the feet in the beginning of the
cure there has been some pain of sciatica, I think all of that due to the
fact that beeing user of a weelchair for 12 years and then starting to walk
again, even for littel tours are difficult.

18 of november was a very busy day here, in the morning we heared in the
radio, about the withdrawal of Tasmar, about 10 o'clock in the morning we
were asked to talk to the television for telling about our feelings about
the withdrawal, they arrived here a little before 2 and stayed untill 5 o'

In the meantime our doctor came up with the latest ratings on Bodil's
liver,they vere all fine, 3 o'clock one of our biggest newspapers phoned to
get an interwiew with Bodil, at that time she was off, so I had to ask
them to call back later, they did so, and the photographer arrived
about 4 o'clock.

Don't tell me that a PWP don't have any experiences!

At the present, we say like Joe Bruman, who writes so very well and so
understandable, we are going to continue with Tasmar!

Georg cg for Bodil 54/17, Denmark.