


In California. THAT would mean some poor hapless individual had their
feet encased in a slab of concrete and was then dumped off a pier
into the ocean!

Funny,  none of us English-as-a-mother-tongue speakers (if ya call
what you Aussies speak "English") <grinning, ducking & running> have
a regional accent in TYPE, but just put us in a room together (HEY -
not a bad idea!) and none of us would easily understand each other.

Barb Mallut (speaking real CALIFORNIA-type English) <wee snirk>
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, November 20, 1998 5:27 PM
Subject: Re: More humor for the weekend

>...unless the Canadian is referring to 'May two-four
>>weekend' which is the weekend nearest May 24 (Queen Victoria's
>>which is a long weekend in Canada (during which many two-four's are
>>consumed).  Are we the only country that still celebrates this?
>I suspect so Barbara.  Hate to tell you guys this but the lady has
been dead
>nearly a hundred years.  Mind you I admit that should not be a
reason for
>stop a perfectly good excuse for consuming a couple of two-fours (or
as we
>say in this bit of Oz - sinking a slab or two)