

Dorothy is 73 and I am not really sure how long she has actually had PD.
She has had several of the symptoms for several years, such as the
tremors.  She is now taking mirapex and seems to like it better than the
eldepryl.  The tremors don't seem to have lessoned, but she says that
the mirapex makes her feel better, and she is able to get around better
and it makes her feel more steady on her feet.  She was seeing Dr. Gaddy
when we lived in Billings, but since we moved up here she started seeing
Dr. Johnson who is an internist and is even more thorough than Gaddy who
is a neurologist.  Gaddy only wanted to see her once a year and with the
way she has had several increasing problems I was relieved to hear that
Johnson wants to see her more often.  He has also taken an interest in
helping her with her osteoporosis (sp).
She attends the support group in Billings once a month religiously.
Her husband, Bob, takes good care of her and is very supporive and
wonderful to her.
I don't know where she gets the courage to face the PD but I really
admire her for it.
No one could ask for a better mother in law.  And my heart aches to see
her hurting.

You wrote:  Where are you at in Montana?  We, my family and I, my
>mother-in-law that lives just next door and she  has PD, live in
>From:    Laurie Rogers <[log in to unmask]>
>We live just over the hill....Bozeman.  How old is your m-i-l?  How
>has she had PD?  What doctor does she go to?
>A Fellow Montanan...
>Juelie McLean  CG/Dan 50/dx98

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