

I'm not entering into the great snake oil debate, but I have a (short)
story to tell.
Years ago, there was a post by a gentleman who claimed he had the answer
for all those PWP who suffered from severe extra movements particularily
when under stress. He claimed tinting your glasses a light shade of
blue would cause the eyes to be able to focus and help stop the
jerking of your head, followed by your limbs. For only $1 he would send
you lenses that would clip over your glasses... this is his general idea
I may not have the wording exact.
But the thing was he was laughed off the list. A short time later, I
was getting my eyes checked for my reading glasses and I asked the
optometrist, as I squirmed around, if he had ever heard of such a
thing but it was possible. As I had to have my lenses changed anyway
for a small extra cost I had them tinted light blue. Not only did
I look like "Link" from the "Mod Squad" it actually worked, (works).
Now, whenever I know I'll be in a stressfull situation I drag out
my trusty glasses...
Another story just came to mind, again a while back, was a person
who's dream was to walk across Canada stopping in most major cities
along the way, giving speeches about his battle with PD and recovery
due to Pallidotomy, how he had gone from attempted suicide to a return
to faith and had written poetry combined with art that formed an
exhibit that touched so many people. THis person thought he could raise
awareness of PD ala Terry Fox. He had planned on using his meagre savings
and monthly pension to finance his walk, planning to ask budget for a
van (which he had used previously). He found a driver willing to not
only do it for free but would contribute his cheque as well. THis man
was sure he could get McDonald's to supply some meals along the way,
Esso for gas, major hotel chain for accomadations. ALL the funds
collected would be donated directly to Parkinson's research.
He was planning on asking for a member of the various pd groups
along the way to ride with them and handle all the funds. He figured
it might take as much as a year, but he was seperated, unattached.
He wrote to this list seeking advice and encouragement. Instead,
he was ridiculed and flamed off list and ignored on. Crushed he quit
the list.
I know this for a fact cause that was me. It is still my dream,
and I wont let go of it. I have thouht of a more realistic method
of achieving the goal. A relay of Parkinson walkers by province.
Each one could find their own corporate or private sponsors.
We could show that Parkie's aren't all old, that research can
make a difference. I live in Victoria, I could start at mile one of
the Trans-Canada. Is there anyone out there who would like to meet
me at the Alberta border? We would have to plan well in advance,
probably looking to start in the spring. Or we could go city to
city, the idea is to raise public awareness. Or each person could
walk 26 miles, could be a marathon of hope. Surely, we could do
Now, more than any other time, we need to be visible, we  can
fund our own cure.
All you young pd'rs, or those just diagnosed this is your chance
to brighten your own future.
BTW DON"T send me money, but remember the guy with the blue glasses.