


> A little know fact, (don't know if it's fact or not, but it
>sounds good) Scorpios usually die within 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after

Shew - made it through the "danger month" one more time this year!  Gerry,
I'm not sure if this "fact" is good or bad news.  I'm of two minds. Do I
concentrate on being able to live recklessly from the 22nd of November to
the 24th of October or on putting my life on hold and refusing to move from
the bedroom from Oct 25th to Nov 21st.  Maybe I'll take to easy way out and
apply to become a gemini - that way I can procrastinate for ever (which
implies that I'll never die).

<grining from ear to ear (even if it doesn't show on my face)>


Dennis Greene 49/onset 32 /dx 37

"It is better to be a crystal and be broken,
Than to be a perfect tile upon the housetop."

[log in to unmask]

 and for every one that passes on, there is another one born to
>replace them.  Guess there will always be the same amount of Scorpios in
>world, just so you know, there's no winning against us.