

I need some info from the technical crowd out there.

I understand that there is a relationship between the enzyme or
whatever that carries protein and that which carries dopamine (l-
dopa or Sinemet's main component).  I would like to know more
about that and how taking Sinemet and agonists such as Requip
might effect ones ability to use protein.

I have just gotten out of the hospital. I spent 7 days there because I
have been fighting water-weight gain for several weeks.  Last
Monday it got bad, I went into the hospital at 296# (5'2" tall).  I
came out today at 268# and still have the IV lock in as they are
going to continue doing IV lasix twice a day from home health
nurses for the rest of the week at home.
My doctor said the fluid build up was because of Kidney Damage.
He thinks this is because he has now  (3 weeks ago) diagnosed
me as diabetic.  I do not think I am diabetic.  However, I wonder if
this kidney damage could be because of pd and/or pd meds
stopping the protein from being utilized by my body.

????  Thanks for helping me with this.

Marling McReynolds
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