

I am glad that you have called a halt to this.
I am afraid that I wasn't thinking when I sent in my opinion on this
subject.  I forget that I am several days behind, I probably should have
read farther before putting my two bits in.  I don't think that I said
anything abusive to either one, just that I wanted them to quit calling
each other names, and to quit fighting.
I am still trying to catch up on my reading.  So I hope that what I
wrote didn't get anyone angry.
I apologize if it did.

>From:  Barbara Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Some statistics and a warning
>To:    Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
>Today there were 98 messages posted to the list; 58 of the messages
>either to, from or about one new member.  Six people have unsubscribed
>from the list (some specifically giving this flame war as the reason)
>we have two new members (please bear with's not usually like
>this).  I have received several private messages from members
>that this flame war be stopped.  This isn't a debate or a discussion;
>it's a flame war.
>The war is over folks! No more postings on this topic, please.
>The warning is this:  any abusive messages to any of our members which
>reported to me will result in my contacting the abuser's service
>and making a formal complaint of harrassment.  Enough is enough!  Our
>members have enough to deal with in our lives with pd; we really don't
>need this.
>Barbara Patterson
>Barbara Patterson
[log in to unmask]
>HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext.
>                        School of Nursing

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