

Phil wrote in part:
<<Regarding the taking pills 30 minutes before meals rule, which I
assume to be a safe maximum time for them to reach the intestines:
there have been instances when I've taken pills at 4:30 or 5:00 p.m.,
didn't eat dinner until 7:00 or 8:00 p.m., and the pills never
started working until well after dinner -- so I wonder what I did

the correct understanding is that eating sufficient low protein non-fat
carbohydrates to start digestion and carry the medicine from the stomach
to the duodenum should occur after 15 or 20 minutes. the digestion of
sugars and the bulk of fruit pulp is excellent to move the levodopa out
of the stomach to where it can get absorbed.  eating that large dinner
may keep things in the stomach long enough to metabolize more of the
medicine into useless excreta also.

I will often note a start of nausea after 45 minutes post taking
levodopa/carbidopa - this tells me that it has disolved and should be
moved on. that can be done via a few swallows of fruit juice or crackers
and warm water et cetera.  then wait a bit longer to eat the usually too
large evening meal.
hope this helps some, ron

Phil also wrote about balance and perception and seeing.  these words
label extreme complexity of cognitive processes and mental process
interpretation - plus the abstracting from those sensed inputs into each
cognitive seeing or understanding that Alfred Korzybski spent his energy
investigating - general semantics.

interesting reading all of such endeavors.  the enteric neural network
system is apparently a more primitive "brain" that acts independently of
the cerebral brain but the sympathetic and para-sympathetic systems do
some controlling of each other and the enteric via hormones and
neurotransmitters. I wonder if the sym. para sym and enteric systems are
bi-lateral? the optical systems are and the nasal and ears and lungs but
only one heart and gastrointestines - but two of some  - kidneys, lungs,

Ron Vetter 1936, '84 PD dz
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