

This is an excerpt from a letter written by
a friend whose husband has ALS and has been on a respirator for 8 years
while they search tirelessly - no I can't say that - cuz they do get
tired :  relentlessly  for an answer or a cure.  Since the time it was
written, it has been discovered that ALS is caused by a virus made up of
several other viruses  (I am unsure of how that is,  but apparently it
is how viruses adapt /  mutate).  For purposes of discussing the
mechanism of becoming ill with a degenerative disease, I would ask that
here we equate toxin and virus.  If this is way off base, and someone
who knows
more about this can explain it,  I would appreciate it.


"My theory on ALS is that it is the symptom of the following:

1.  Exposure to a toxin (could be any number of things from Excitotoxins
to the
Castor Bean).
2.   This runs around in a person's system basically being handled by a
healthy body but never exiting the system.
3.    Something drives the body into a hypo-oxidative state (this could
be hyper-oxidative) and that something could be any trauma or any excess
where the body is depleted to a place where the blood brain barrier
falls (much like a dam).
4.    With the dam down the toxins are now present in the spinal / neuro
where before they were protected by the blood brain barrier.
5.    The onset of the deterioration begins.

"For the elderly person, I believe aging allows the body to drop  the
blood brain barrier and  thus the process  is much the same.

"These are MY suspicions....[ my husband's] toxin was likely the castor
bean, he was exposed when he was pre-teen.  I think the exhaustive
training was the trauma.  I do not
know how long between the trauma and symptoms that were noticeable but I
bet it was a couple of years.

" Anyway, the action that happens in the body, i.e. the
neurotransmitters meet, they interact, the by-product of that
interaction is glutamate, and then [a particular] enzyme is supposed to
be excreted to bind with the glutamate and then it  passes out of the
body.  The enzyme is the problem, no enzyme, too much gluatamate, the
gluatamate acts as a toxin
at the site of the neurotransmitters and the transmitters begin to pull
back from one another until they no longer make a connection.  Hence the
loss of whatever function that transmitter was responsible for, and so

My friend says in the last ten years of communicating with many many ALS
patients, every one of them can point to a
trauma of some kind as a marker for the beginning of the disease
process.  Is this a possible model for neurological disorders of a
certain kind? (I can say that I stayed in a very stressful --emotionally
and mentally-- situation for 10 years.  I wonder if at some point the
ol' body just wore out.)   If this is a valid model, and I cannot tell
if it is or not, maybe there is some room for PD to be the result of a
virus / toxic process.

And here's another thought:  I ran a veterinary hospital with my then
for --yes you guessed it-- 10 years.  An interesting note which can be
corrected by the veterinarian on the list if I am wrong,
is that dogs used to be vaccinated with
Measles vaccine for protection against dog distemper.  If these viruses
are supposed to be species specific, how can it be that this was a
successful practice?
Dog distemper affects the nervous system.  Does Measles?