

You guys are getting more verbal and aggressive as I read, I am several
days behind so this is getting interesting.

This resorts back to "Mommy he called me a name,"  "No, she called Me a
name."  "Meanie!"  "Brat!"
If you were my kids I would stand you both in the corner until you are
ready to talk calmly without throwing sarcastic comments and name
calling at each other.

We appreciate Janet looking out for us, but we are also open to new or
different ideas.  Or at least we should be.

I am VERY new to this list, so what I have to say probably doesn't count
that much.

Giving David the benefit of the doubt he should be allowed to share his
experiences with everyone.

We have also been duly warned by Janet that there could be an ulterior
motive behind his stories, but we are all capable of making our own

I agree that there shouldn't be any advertizing for products on this
list, that is not what we are here for.

But we are here to listen to each other and if we disagree with someone
to not snap back angrily. Emotion is good, hateful angry disputes are
uncalled for.

We appreciate your warnings, Janet and hope that you continue to look
out for us.

But even if he is selling something, you don't need to stoop to name
calling and neither does he.


That was my two bits.


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