

Mills brothers were 4  -  one died and they went for a short while with 3
then their father (?) stepped in and they had 4 again then he oranother one
passed on - they held on as 3 for a while but they were all pretty old by
then  their hayday was in theri early days  I still love to hear them.
Ames brothers I don't remember  but the Ink Spots I love also they were 4.
One time I heard beautiful music coming from a car getting gas in a gas
station and it was the Ink Spots -  quite a crowd gathered and wouldn't let
them go for a while but they obviously enjoyed it.
Female voices don't have the range of male voices ( except for Yma Sumac -
anyone remember her )  so don't lend to  the type of harmony in male
Bob Anibal