

Bill H.

I was deeply moved by your commentary, "Journey to Wellness."  I have
a hunch that you touched a great many of our Cyber-Sibs with your
"from the heart" feelings and thoughts.

Thanks for sharing, for the candor, and for the inspiration...

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Harrington <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 2:36 AM
Subject: for new pd'rs

>Journey to Wellness
>When diagnosed with Parkinson's
>I vowed to fight it every inch
>despite all I read
>incurable, progressive
>all the medical horror stories
>doctors told me (for my own good)
>even the atrocities I saw
>inflicted on some victims
>I stubbornly insisted
>it would not conquer me
>I would be the exception
>not only that, this was my fight
>and I didn't need any help
>from anyone...
>eight years later
>the realization
>I gravely underestimated it
>I had fought exhausting battles
>claiming occasional small victories
>in an endless war, I could not win
>instead of retreating,  gradually, gracefully
>I sallied forth on attack
>a medical General Custer
>surrounded    outnumbered
>increasingly humiliating defeats
>my pride decimated
>I cried out for help too late
>the disease had a stronghold within me
>a malevolent, cancer-like presence
>it delighted in my despair
>laughed at my tears
>my bitter disappointments, its greatest triumphs
>shrewd and calculating
>cunningly persuasive
>it turned my body against me
>clouded my mind with morbid thoughts
>arrogantly patient, knowing time was on  its  side
>my pain gave it sadistic joy
>it liked me to be afraid
>of the all too real physical pain
>but much worse
>right from the start
>this uninvited guest  looked into my heart
>to see what I dreaded the most
>so it could make it happen
>and discover what I loved best
>so it could take it away
>armed with that knowledge
>it tortured me for years
>I tried to reason with it
>threatened   cajoled    begged    bargained
>but it is a formless darkness
>driven by unreasoning hatred
>it knows no mercy or pity
>two years ago, it was nearly triumphant
>I surrendered, tried to take my own life
>I had no faith in myself or God
>but He hadn't given up on me
>he provided both a second chance
>and the blessing of a new friend
>who taught me that you only lose
>when you give up
>you never lose when you reach out to help others
>if they turn away it is their loss
>when you connect, you both win
>armed with that knowledge
>I started my journey back to wellness
>I may never beat this terrible disease
>but it can only make my life hell
>if I let it
>Bill Harrington