

First, To Tom, I'm sorry if I've insulted you somehow, I thank
you for your idea(s). I must have been mistaken, I thought it
was a $1 and that would be just enough for postage. I didn't
mean you were trying to profit.
To Janet: Drug holidays is more like no-drug nightmares. I've
had to go off fdor a couple of days and it was like hell. I froze
up so bad I could hardly talk. Unless it's really vital, I would
avoid them.
An old song does anyone recognize?
Last night it was so cold outside I woke me wife Mcgwire,
I said you best get up me love and light a bit of fire
3rd line unknown
But as soon as I touched me seaweed I knew it was going to be hot.
Aye ti aye ti aye ti aye
ti ittilly itilly Aye
My grandfather used to sing that so I suspect it has some risque
meaning, he always had a chuckle after he sang it.