

To all you super and supportive people out there

THank you for your show of support, and for your calls to Tom Davis etc.

The court hearing went much as I expected - My lawyer is court appointed i.e.
legal aid - or at least his firm was - he is the third one from the firm to
represent me since this whole thing started,and they all three have shown
great concern for my cause - anyway, my lawyer spoke to the county (foster
care dept.) lawyer, and they agreed that the two girls would continue as they
are right now, each in a group home. BUT, my lawyer is very unhappy about the
wording as regards my future competency as a fit parent for them to return to
me at the end of the year (which would be around JUne to Sept next year) and
he indicated this, and also made sure that the intention was that they return
to MY HOME and not some foster family, as had been suggested earlier. So I
guess things are slightly better. So then  all that was left to do was to go
into the court, and get the judge to sign off on the agreement and set a date
for the next hearing -  May 9th.

I had rather more success in the evening, at the Virginia Legislature
Reception hosted by the Jewish Community Center. THere were several members of
the Va State Legislature present who each gave a rundown of what they were
hoping to achieve during their term of office. One of them, Senator Jane
Woods, gave an impassioned speech about the need for more investment in care
for the elderly - nursing homes, assisted living and in particularly in home
care.  I tackled her on the need for the same care for the not so old, e.g.
Young Onset Parkinson - she loved the term YOPPER - she conceded the need, and
in fact insisted that it was already part of her plan, under the heading of
assistance to the disabled.  ANd she also said "take this up with Tom Davis's
office; he is the one who is most concerned with this, and he could help you
more than anyone"  So I guess it was a very good thing we - or you, I should
say - contacted him yesterday, and I shall certainly follow it up.

So, I extend to you all my most heartfelt gratitude, and in particular to
Ivan, who set you all in motion. Thanks guys, it was the warmest show of
caring and affection I have experienced inm al long time, and I really
appreciated it!

Hilary Blue