

Levodopa And Protein     24 Nov 98
Marling McReynolds (BTW, welcome back) has asked about the
effect of food protein on absorption of levodopa medication
such as Sinemet. The answer is in Dr. Roger Duvoisin's book,
paraphrased: Only 1% or so of levodopa taken by mouth actually
reaches the brain to be converted to dopamine and replenish the
brain's natural supply. The remainder travels in the blood to
various other parts of the body, where it is stored, converted
to other compounds, and/or excreted by the kidneys. To get from
mouth to bloodstream, the levodopa is absorbed by special cells
in the small intestine, but those cells are the same ones that
also absorb other proteins from food, and while they do that
the levodopa may be lost. So, to maximize absorption of levodopa
it should be taken on an empty stomach, when the coast is clear.
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013