

Let me say this: someone who should be well off financially, if he has
invested his money well, which I hope Michael has, should be able to cope with
PD more easily than those who have to worry about how to pay for treatment and
medicine and caregivers.  I still feel bad for him and his family, and wish
him the best.  Hopefully he can do for PD what Christopher Reeve has been
doing for victims of spinal injuries.  A question was asked, why do people try
to hide their afflictions, and diseases?  My guess is that no one wants to
feel inferior or weak, or unattractive.  Why else would people sweat in a gym
to build muscles to show off, or buy a toupee' to cover a hairless scalp?  We
all want to be Superman or Wonderwoman, even if in reality we look like Woody
Allen or Roseanne Barr (or whatever she calls herself now! ) To me, a real
hero is someone who fights a disease like PD, as a victim or a caregiver and
tries not only to survive, but also helps others.  We have hundreds of real
heros right here on this list!