

Dear friends,

Some of you may have noticed that I have been very positive lately.  I
think it's better not to burden you with difficulties beyond my
abilities.  However, i'm afraid a few distressing things have to be said
at this point.

Hilary Blue's dyskinetic finger must have accidentally misled the List,
by sending outdated mail from Gerry Haines, from a better moment in my
ongoing caregiver (CG) shortage..

In fact, I am wearing down from exhaustion.  The caregiver search is
endless and temporary at Maine's $6.25/hour. Kids flipping burgers at
McDonald's get health insurance and $6.25; data entry base pay at the
University is $8.50/hr; industrial base pay is $14.00/hr.  So I am
totally lost in the shuffle.

I have had three resignations in 2 days due to low pay.  I now face three
nights a week alone. This is a recipe for disaster. I cannot find steady
help, and my CG who lived in my home is gone.

Jay Forys, my most dedicated CG, who helped me through the PAN forum last
June, has moved to New Jersey.  He could not afford the $6.25/hour
part-time wages, even with a room without rent in my home, and the use of
my vehicle (an '88 Chevy Blazer)..  Also, Jay is a single parent, and
arranges child-caring  with his ex-spouse.   As a parent, he could not
afford to stay with me any longer.  He was trapped by PD and by low
wages. Especially in Maine, where wages are so extremely low that it
feels at time like a third-world country.

Jay is only 39.  He is trying to arrange to raise  his son, Nicky, who is
now 10. Jay needs to build up a suitable environment for Nicky, who is
already skipping school and having a very rough time in New Hampshire..
In New Jersey, Jay's warehouse job, 50 to 60 hours per week, and with
overtime, gives him far more money to work with, to establish an
apartment.  He is near four married sisters, a married brother, and about
18 nephews and nieces.  This is a huge and supportive family system..

His daughter Jenny, who is brilliant, is graduating in June, a year
early, from high school.  Jenny will head off to college.  She and her
brother are in New Hampshire with their mom, unless Nicky is moved to New

So, thanks to Jay, who sacrificed for nine months, I got his unending
help, and therefore did what I could  for us all.  Now, everything is
worsening rapidly, and realistically, without a salary and benefits to
offer Jay, he had no choice but to leave Maine.

I miss his care and wonderful sense of humor.  At least, it was a
beautiful time while it lasted.


^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        48/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      deg. F   :-)

On Wed, 25 Nov 1998 20:58:39 +0000 Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Gerry & Brig Haines wrote:
>> Just this minute got off the phone with Ivan, and he was on top of
>the world.
>> All kinds of offers have been coming in since this afternoon.  He
>feels good,
>> so good,(that might be part of a song) and cannot believe all the
>calls.  I
>> can't remember all the people, but one old friend he ran into on the
>street, a
>> student who lives in the western part of the state but studies in
>Portland, a
>> cg he had before, and more.  Even the rep. he knows from his
>district called.
>> We thanked God, and both of us realized how humbling this disease
>is... (SNIPPED)  ...t.
>> His phone number is 207-797-8488.  I think all the days and nights
>are fairly
>> well filled.  He can correct me if I'm wrong.
>> Thank you everyone for all your help.....
>> Gerry(Brig59/12)