

        The CNN website ( this morning included a report on
Michael J. Fox's announcement AND also included a link to a story they
did in October 1997 about our fellow list member Terrie Whitling and
pallidotomy surgery - "Old therapy shows new promise against

        Unfortunately, they also included a link to a Mayo Clinic Health Letter,
from  August 1998, about "the promising new drug" Tolcapone (Tasmar). I
wrote to them this morning and suggested that they update their
information in light of the new warnings about Tasmar. It seemed that a
number of their links were outdated. Another Mayo Clinic link was from
1996, and talked  about drug therapy, but  of course had nothing about
Requip or Mirapex. Hopefully, with Fox's announcement,  we will see some
improvements in the media coverage about PD.

Linda Herman