

At 07:41 PM 11/25/98 -0500, [log in to unmask] wrote:
>Good luck with your hospital stay....
>However, you don't want to wish you were MJ Fox or had his age or his
>money......this young man will have his signature read 74/44 when he reaches
>your age!!!!!!!
> RITA  one of us read or i said wrong.  i wish i was him not him.  you see
he learned in short time it took me 10 or more to learn to live with  PD.
you see we do not die like ms,aids,caner. so PD is put on hold. now that
public is learning more about PD. we might get more help. so many on the
list has not learned to live with it . they got self pity. like me for
years. was always poor DON i got PD now i live with it.  as always  I.Y.Q.