

I would check into the legal issues involved before asking a caregiver to be
paid by Medicaid for care for two patients simultaneously.

I posted a message during Ivan's earlier crisis time re: the inability of
nursing homes in Indiana and Minnesota to be able to hire nursing assistants
for the time period of evening/nights and the losses encountered by those
establishments.  I had only one response to that message, and I assume that it
was not read by many......

This is not an Ivan problem, this is a societal issue that good economic times
are not easy times to hire menial (however important) tasks.   The need is for
strength (lifting patients); care and concern and emotional support and
dedicated personnel.  The issue that needs to be addressed is the salary scale
in many cases......who sets this scale that Medicaid uses?

We faced the lack of "in home" help with my Mother.....and we were private response to ads; no staffing available from home health care
agencies to supply the requests of the community.     As a result, she was in
a nursing home in IN and then moved to a nursing home in MN to be closer to
family.  The current nursing home in Rochester has had 10 empty beds for more
than a year because of inability to hire staff for the evening shift so they
cannot accept patients for these beds (and the subsequent loss of income of
$100+ per day per bed to the nursing home.).
