

In a message dated 11/25/98 1:37:46 PM Central Standard Time, [log in to unmask]

<<   I think Michael J. Fox would be an excellant advocate for our cause,
should he choose to do so, because he is young, personable, and  international
with ties to both Canada and the U.S.   >>

I think we have some homework to do folks.

Even if Mr. Fox asked us to help him educate the public, what it is we want
them to learn?  It should be important stuff that once known by the general
news media/public will impact on our lives. How about sending me your ideas on
the subject?  Depending on the response, I would  attempt to refine and
catalog these.  The plan would be to make these ideas available on demand to


Example #1: (heavy anecdotal/clinical evidence).

The Parkie does poorly in nonverbal communication.

I have read communication experts that say this is the most important form of
communication.  Some have suggested a very high percentage (up to 75%?, even
more?) of communication on the street is non verbal

The news media has already misinterpreted Mr. Fox's partially masked face.
The other day, I heard a tale of having his limo circle the block three times
"for his tremor to go away."  The next statement was that he was in a somber
mood.  They have no idea what kind of mood the masked face, soft voiced, non-
smiling PWP is in.  Who hasn't had to wait for a pill to kick in?  Sometimes I
got everything back at once.  Often, things returned piecemeal.  The masked
face is a part of this thing.  Perhaps now, with Mr. Fox's help, we can get
the idea out that our voice is soft and our body language nearly mute.
However, that doesn't mean we are not able to communicate.

 Example #2 (requires documentation).

 PARKINSON'S IS *NOT* an "old person's disease" any longer!

Excuse me - but _ I _ got MY first, vague Parkinson's symptoms around age 32!
The numbers of currently existing Parkinsonian's, nation-by-nation and world-
wide are grossly downplayed as is the potential severity of the disease.

Example #3 (anecdotal evidence).

The disease spells financial disaster to many if not most sufferers
(especially young sufferers).

Not all of us are Michael J. Fox's type of Parkie.  Many of us live on limited
incomes, derived from a Variety of sources - Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI), Medicare, decreasing savings, alimony, home refinancing, and
often MUST rely on financial and personal-time caregiving and charity from
family and friends.

WHH 55/19