

Thank you for showing the segment on Michael J. Fox. As a PWP (person
with pd), I have been trying to help change the image of young, early
onset people diagnosed with this awful disease. I am 47 yrs. old,
diagnosed when I was 39 yrs. old but looking back, the symptoms were
subtle but obvious for 5 yrs before that. My neuro didn't want to make
the diagnosis until "the symptoms more fully manifested themselves", so
with his blessing, my husband & I went to Mayo. I have had two
pallidotomies, been forced to go on SS Disability, and have encountered
a myriad of other problems (from drooling to answering my children's'
questions about "will I get PD from you, mommy?" I wish Mr. Fox well on
his journey with his disease-it's no fun, but his positive attitude &
sense of humor will go along way in making his life more livable.
my heart aches for his wife & children (as it does for my own). I
sometimes think that
it is easier to deal with this disease than to watch someone you love
have to suffer without being able to help. Again, thanks for the
piece-everything that can make the public aware that this is not only a
disease of the elderly is helpful in our struggle to be heard &
understood! Sincerely,
Joan Snyder  (47/10/8) <[log in to unmask]>
"Do or do not. There is no try."  Yoda