


I have awakened with facial headaches from time to time for several years.  A
year or so after they started, I noticed their similarity to an '"ice cream
headache"-except these lasted much  longer.  They seem to be worst just behind
my eyes, and I can help the pain for a little while by diverting my warm
breath toward my eyes with my hand or a piece of paper.

Before I go any farther, you gotta understand, I wear my blankets to bed.

The Heitman PWP sleep set:(everything is slick for moving around in bed)

1. My old  insulated GI flying long underwear (a jacket and pants). They are
slick and warm and, when teamed with a good pair of boot socks make up the
only blanket I need most of the year.
2. A couple of small (about 3'x6') slick blankets which I use from time to
3. A slick satin comforter, which I only use in the coldest conditions.  I
usually spend the night on top of this.**
I had known that there was a heat exchange problem at night for PWP (the
reason we shouldn't use electric blankets)  My setup allows many options to
meet my temperature/heat loss needs at night.  Snapping/Unsnapping  the
jacket, covering/covering my feet, or my lower half to my waist, etc.-many

After thinking about the circumstances under which these headaches occurred, I
noticed that they were common upon awakening after a night in which I had been
too warmly dressed or blanketed.

On those particular nights, not only had I been too warm, but also something
had happened so that my primary heat loss surface had been my face and head.
Maybe I had not opened the front snaps on my jacket. Perhaps one of my little
slick blankets had wrapped around my feet.  Or some other reason.

From this, I  speculate the following:
1. That the chore of dispersing heat from my system had been given to those
areas with the most access to the air-- my head and face.
2. That the capacity for them to lose heat had been overwhelmed, leading to
3. Over cooling of the local tissues while overwhelming the capacity of the
dilated blood vessels to cool the whole body.
4.  Leading to a vascular headache  .

 Has anyone else noticed this?

WHH 55/19

**Made especially for me by my bride.