

At 01:31 AM 11/29/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear friends on the World Parkinson's Exchange List,
>  I have been following the discussion on our World List about Michael J.
>Fox. His courage  is an enormous opportunity in the battle for both
>publicity and research funds about Parkinson's, whether "young onset" or
>not. For a moment, allow me to shift the focus to the rest of us who live
>daily with this dreadful disease.
>   I suggest that each Listmember immediately decide whether, if called,
>he or she could  appear on live TV, or be taped for broadcast on TV.
>BOLD LEADERSHIP is needed from the ranks of PWP's and their CG's (Persons
>with Parkinson's and their CareGivers) to increase our visibility.
>   If you are available, PLEASE SIGN ON to the list BELOW.     PLEASE
>post your reply..
>   I would emphasize that the $100,000,000.00 annual research spending
>authorized by the 1997 Udall Act remains UNFUNDED.  Projected spending at
>the NIH, despite all of our work, only rose from $34.4 million to $37.4
>million between  fiscal year 1997 and the current fiscal year 1999,
>according to the Parkinson's Action Reporter, vol. ix, no.4, November,
>1998, p.1, "Udall Spending Gap Continues." This is TERRIBLE news.
>   I am "sponsoring" this listing, below, of TV-available PWP's and CG's
>.  Please add your name, i.d., and address, if you are willing to either
>be seen live or be taped for broadcast on TV..  WE MUST BE VISIBLE,and
>join with Mr. Fox.  Our stories  must be heard.
>   It follows that Susan Reese's appearance in New York City, on the
>Today Show, on Monday, November 30, at 8:00 AM, would be enhanced if it
>were to include  one or more PWP's or CG's. OUR faces must be televised.
>Let's get the leading organizations and the general public talking about
>our  own appearances on TV.
>  WE are the most knowledgeable people  to explain the horrors and the
>hopes of living with Parkinson's Disease. WE can provide so much
>information and education as advocates for the research to cure PD.
>PLEASE sign on to the list below:
>          NAME               I.D.          Address              Country
>  PWP or CG    e-mail address
>       1. Ivan Suzman     49/39/36   Portland, Maine    USA
>pwp           [log in to unmask]
>       2. David Moreland  55/11            Salem,  Oregon   USA  PWP
[log in to unmask]
>       3.
>       4.
>       5.
>       6.
>       7.
>       8.
>       9.
>     10.
>     11.
>     12.
>     13.
>     14.
>     15.
>     16.
>     17.
>     18.
>     19.
>     20.
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    38  deg. F   :-)
>>We also spoke a little about the issues arising from MJF going public,
>>especial how they affect YOPDs, and how the MJF publicity is painting
>>too rosy
>>a picture - but we agreed that increased public awareness can only
>>more interest in finding a cure. And she said that she could not say
>>advance exactly what she would say on Monday but would have to be
>>guided by
>>what questions she was asked - but that she would always have our
>>interests at
>>heart. And that she would try and get as much into her 4 minutes as
>>Lets hope that she is successful.
>>Good Luck, Susan!!
>>Hilary Blue (49,25,16)
>>Hilary Blue wrote:
>>>>> [log in to unmask] wrote:
>>> > Susan Reese, RN, LCSW-- Director of the American Parkinson's
>>> > Association's Young PD Information & Referral Center will be
>>interviewed on
>>> > the Today Show, Monday, November 30 about young-onset PD and the
>>APDA Center
>>> > created specifically to address the needs of the young person with