

hey jerry

At 08:52 1998/11/29 -0600, you wrote:
>Because of my website about PD, I have been receiving
>3-4 request per day from newbies, not necessarily new
>to PD but new to this list and/or the Web. Some of
>these emails are just requesting a password to the
>chatroom, others are desperate cries for information.
>I need some volunteers to help by writing to these
>folks and offering directions to the list, help in
>finding other information, directions to support
>groups, meeting them in the chatroom, etc. If you can
>handle one or two per week please let me know. I'll
>forward their letter to you so you can respond. This is
>a great opportunity to bring more people into our list.

i'd be glad to answer newbie type info
[except for chat stuff - i know nada]


janet paterson - 51 now /41 dx /37 onset - almonte/ontario/canada
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