

As a horse rescue advocate, let me say a few words
about Premarin. Without getting too graphic, this drug
is responsible for the death of some 75,000 colts every
year. The industry which makes this drug is responsible
for some of the worst abuse ever done to a horse.

Premarin is the name for PRegnant MAre urINe. That is
all it is. Smash one and smell it. Horse piss. No extra
secret medication.

Pregnant mares stand in very small quarters throughout
their pregnancy with hoses attached to collect their
urine. They are given very little water, thus producing
a stronger product. (BTW, a horse stays pregnant for 11
months.) The foals are sold for slaughter so some folks
in other countries can have horse steaks.

Don't believe me? Go to:

There are a number of synthetic drugs that are just as
good if not better than Premarin, and they don't kill
horses. Please, if your doctor has you on this drug,
tell him to change it - NOW!


Date:    Sun, 29 Nov 1998 13:12:23 -0800
From:    Diane Leeds <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Is Premarin helpful?
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