

i had put a piece i read in the paper called  PARKINSON  to day is not my
day of many any more. i saw serval re to PARKINSON. DON'T ASK ME WHY CAUSE
I DON'T KNOW.  any how i delete them. did not remember how i sent it. till
i went in where you clean all your delete messages as to how i sent it. i
thought no body cared what i said any more. was hurt. like music i am mixed
up on it. any of you have seen my web page you see VIVIAN and i dancing. we
learned long time ago it helped to walk. but when music stopped down i
would go if VIVIAN did not hold me up. got to brag a little we would get
lot of hand clapping when done.  even sweet young ladies in 20-30 would ask
me to dance. you don't know how good it made 74 old feel lolo. oh i got a
thing that when i fall and can't get up i push a button and you can hear at
least 3 blocks a way. nice huh.   so sorry
