

On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Barb_MSN wrote:

> And for goodness sake, STOP sugar-coating that information.  Get REAL
> and get HONEST with the general public.  They DESERVE TO KNOW THE
> TRUTH about Parkinson's Disease!

I think (IMHO) it is important not to print the worst-case scenario all over
the media. The picture we paint must be nuanced. Imagine the guy or gal
who just came home - alone - from the neuro who said "You might have
Parkinson's Disease".
The shock made him/her so numb that it was impossible to formulate any
questions about how the future might be. Later, (s)he boots the trusty
computer, gets onto the web and reads that life will be living hell in
ten years.

                               Then what?

/John. (29 years/ diag 1?/ onset 18)