

I do the same thing with my inlaws.  They are just getting to know their
computer and don't want to go thru all the e-mail that comes with the
listserv, so I go thru it and send them the jokes and good stories,
along with info that I think that they would be interested in or helpful
to them. Such as the information on mirapex.  It is my motherin law that
is the pwp and her husband is cg most of the time, all tho even tho she
is experiencing some severe tremors and has problems walking, or doing
simple things like holding the phone, thank God for speaker phones :),
she manages pretty well.  She knows that I am only about 20-30 yards
away in a different house and she can get me anytime, since I work out
of my home.
Also since I have the listserv sent to a hotmail address they can access
it anytime they want to since I gave them my password and told them to
feel free to use it.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one that was "passing the list on". :)

>It is my father who is pwp & my mom is cg & I pass the list info on to

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