

Dear friends: the last post that I sent to the list was a copy of th
same letter that I sent to [log in to unmask] While I agree with janet
& others about this piece being "thrown together" with Bob Arnet asking
some rather flaccid questions about numbers and treatments, I thought
that an "atta-boy" was warranted because of the earlier show. We so need
the media spotlight to show us how we  really are. Did  anyone  catch
one of my faves, Anne Curry on the Today Show on Thurs. With believable
tears in her eyes, she asked isn't this a shame, isn't it a tragedy, How
could something like this  happen to someone so young with so much ahead
of him. I cried & cried feeling like-hey, what am I-hair from Willie
Nelsons hairbrush? Many ambivalent feelings about this story. I also
agree with Lanier-when you have the world by the tail-there's an awful
long fall  into obscurity. G'nite-my sleeping pills have kicked in with
a vengeance!

Joan Snyder  (47/10/8) <[log in to unmask]>
"Do or do not. There is no try."  Yoda