

Thanks for helping to (hopefully) clear the air, Linda.   It was
strange to hear myself described as the devil incarnate, when only
last week I was harolded for suggesting to the List members that they
not all jump down Michael J. Fox's throat and to understand and
recognize the near-frenzy that must have surrounded him and his
family since the People Mag. article came out.  This must be a
bittersweet time for him....

By the way, I STILL believe our List membership should respect Mr..
Fox's privacy.  I suspect if he's anything like many other computer
literate persons with Parkinson's, he'll find his way here on his
own, as we all did.

I also strongly believe that it's not up to any of the List members
to tell him how best he may serve the PD community..  Sheeeesh!  Give
the guy  a break, huh?!

The motion picture industry is traditionally generous with their
time, but MJFox has quite a load to haul already with his show,  any
movies he may do, and of course he has a wife and young family, plus
the PD.

How's about laying off him, People?

Barb Mallut (sounding like her own mom)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Linda J Herman <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
<[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, November 29, 1998 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: passing judgment

>        Just to set the record straight ... just as we have had some
>in the past over the many Barbs on the list, there now seems to be
>over the Lindas.
>        I, Linda (with an i) Herman, wrote the  letter about the MJF
>quoting the  Reuters source. I understood that the criticism in Barb
>(Mallut's) reply was directed to the media and the doctors, not to
>The "Passing Judgment" letter was written by Lynda (with a y)
>who apparently interpreted Barb's comments differently. BTW,  Lynda,
>thanks coming to my defense  (we  Lindas /Lyndas have to stick
>        I think this all emphasizes how we can  read the same words,
yet react
>so differently to them - to each other's letters, to  the Parade
>and now to all the Michael J. Fox publicity. Our reactions are
>influenced by our individual experiences with this disease, perhaps
>by our current state of mind when reading the articles, or viewing
the TV
>programs. I think the outpouring of emotions and opinions over these
is a
>good  thing, as long as we realize that we will never all agree, and
>don't need to agree in our opinions.
>        Whatever we think about the way it is being reported,
Michael J. Fox's
>announcement has opened the door for us. Now  is the  time to to
>out beyond the list and try to educate the media and the public by
>getting our own stories told.  We've had many great suggestions
>ways to do this, and if each of us does what we can, somebody will
>hear us.
>Linda Herman
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