

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    40  deg. F   :-)
Barb Mallut has raised excellent questions about the mushrooming list of
PWP's and CG's willing to go on TV (the PLEASE SIGN ON list).
My only purpose has been to create for the first time a list,  to
stimulate  our willingness to go  further than we had before, to talk to
the public in large numbers of PWP's and CG's, through the medium of TV,
so that we can educate the general public in the way only WE can do. It
is our list, NOT my list!.

I also want to ask newcomers to see this outpouring of readiness to go
public as a HUGE show of support...when I went on TV just 10 months ago,
it was on faith, with no list of others like me to fall back on!!
I also need time out to listen to and help if I can the newer  members
and their many unanswered questions. I feel like they're being
temporarily lost in the excitement over this TV 'stuff."

I feel very encouraged at the response.  Imagine, in one day 20-30 people
have stepped  forward.

At this point, more work on the talking points that Dr. Bill Heitman has
been publishing, titled, WHAT WE WANT EM TO HEAR would, in my opinion, be
very fruitful..

I have no personal ambitions.  I just want us to get out there and fight
for research money and visibility. In fact, I am myself so busy trying to
survive that I phoned Gerry Haines tonight and asked her to pass along a
request: Would someone else PLEASE continue assembling our TV sign-on
list. I am tired and need to rest right now.  i have to let the job go to
anyone who can do it.

