

Barb wrote:


>The PD orgs.  are STILL trying to not SCARE the general public by not
>REALLY letting them know how potentially terrible the disease can be,
>and the horrendous tole it takes on the PD sufferer and their loved

I wonder if at least SOME of the "sugar coating" doesn't come from the
"famous people" who are being discussed. Surely Michael J. like Janet Reno,
Billy Graham, and the Pope, want to present their best faces to the public
so as to keep on doing their jobs!    If MJF were wheelchair bound like
Chris Reeve, he'd have no choice, but as he *can* keep going pretty well
now he surely wants to avoid the "handicapped actor" tag as long as
possible---like folks who hide their PD from their  employers and even
their families.
It may not be realistic to expect him to present a "worst case scenario"
when he goes public, and when interviewed he will probably be as upbeat as
possible.  His issues / priorities are not the same as ours at present,
perhaps---staying as a box-office draw is maybe more important to him right
now than convincing Congress to appropriate funds for research. There's the
possibility he is still in denial on some level, and he wouldn't be alone
in that, either!

        Camilla Flintermann                     <[log in to unmask]>


                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
                          "Our lives begin to end
                          the day we become silent
                          about things that matter..
                           ...Martin Luther King,Jr.
                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***