

I need some advice.Starting back early in the spring somthing different
for me took  place I started losing  my balancw and would always fall
backwards. In the house it is very easy to do.You go to the 'fridge to
get something you take 2/3 steps backward  and bang down you go.You are
outside cutting the grass and you have worked into a corner you start to
work yourself out and you take those small steps backwards and you thank
G-d for the dead mans switch.I hope you can see all the opportunities
for stepping to the rear.And you will see all the chances for landing on
your shoulder.Which brngs us up to
 the present.All of this falling backwards has causd me a lot of pain in
my right shoulder.A visit to a  Orthopedic Doctor and  some X-rays
showed him some bone chips or calcium to be the potential  culprit until
a series of MRI's disclosed that  I have a torn rotater cuff.  Now here
is my dilemma,the answer to the problem is get the shoulder repaired.
Which the doctor is reluctant to do because of the  PD. I don' t need to
 through surgery only to fall down  and bust it loose again. Now we
know  neither one of the two problems, PD or the shoulder,are going to
get better.Sow what do I do?is there any type of med I can get that will
elminate the falling backwards.Is there a med I can get not in the usual
PD arsenal that will help the situation.Im watching  every step I
take so farI have cut the fallng own from 5 or6  to  2/3. Any help you
can give will be
appreciated. Thanks Craig