

Dear Ivan-- this may be completely off the wall, but desperation breeds
attempt----since you say your mortgage is paid off, have you considered
getting a loan on your house--an equity loan, reverse mortgage, whatever?
This is what parents often do to finance a kid's college, etc.  It would
complicate things with your disability $$$ perhaps, but could you ask Legal
Aid about any such possibility that might not jeopardize your income? Maybe
the $$$ could be paid into an special account used only for CGs expenses,
not for you directly?  Is the house tied up in Medicaid liability?  Sorry
if this is a wild goose chase---but thought I should ask.   People in the
AIDS community do this sort of thing I believe to finance expenses, but
I've no idea what the legal angles may be.  The problem is you need a LONG
TERM solution, not just a few weeks---is there any chance for you  in the
newer surgeries, to give you a chance to function better and not need so
much care??

        for YOU from Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

        When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot,
                                  Hang on, and swing!