

True, Barb, according to the websites I visited. Neither are Estradiol and
several others.

 Luckily the Premarin posts appeared the day before I was to see my
gynecologist. When I saw him today, I asked for a substitute, and he
willingly complied, but in my case he suggested  something called "Evista"
(I think that's right--I've already mailed in the Rx) as he said it
protects for osteoporosis and heart problems, without adding a breast
cancer risk.  I really appreciated the info about Premarin, and it was

BTW--the ob/gyn  doc was aware that the "natural" subs for Premarin used
plant materials, etc. and seemed to think most patients knew of the
alternatives, and of the source of Premarin.  When I offered him hard
copies from a couple of websites I had with me, he declined, saying "I
don't want to know" about the conditions the mares are kept in---then asked
if I were a vegetarian!  I said no, nor an animal activist , but   I don't
buy veal because of the conditions the calves are kept in, and he said,
"Neither do I! I saw pictures and it was awful!" ---but he wouldn't look at
my pictures of horses---go figure!

>I take Estrace which I think is not from horse urine. At least that is what my
>doctor said when she changed me to it.
>Barbara Smith,cg/Ken/70/17

        Shalom, Camilla                       <[log in to unmask]>

                ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##
                  "In matters of conscience,
                       the law of majority
                           has no place."
                      ---Mohandas K. Gandhi
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