

Just a suggestion, but I think that  if anyone has been keeping a record of
Susan's leetters to the list, and thee replies, her story of her mother would
make a very good follow up to the one I 've done on Ivan.. And if I have any
success promoting Ivan's story, we could increase exposure and public
awareness always supposing that Susan and her mother agree.
Hilary Blue


Barbara Smith wrote:
> Susan,
> Many PD patients swear by satin sheets and satin gowns to help them get out of
> bed. Sounds kind of slippery to me, but I understand they are very helpful.
>  I am so glad you have been able to get some help for your mother. The
> attitude of the doctors you were dealing with is all too common. I think one
> should not give up on this disease easily; so often, a caring and
> knowledgeable doctor can fine tune things and the patient does better for
> quite awhile. Your mother is certainly fortunate to have you to go to bat for
> her.
> Love, Barbara Smith, cg/Ken/70/17